Publication of »Save our nature – Let’s explore together« (online)

Für wen? – (angehende) Lehrende im MINT-Bereich und Multiplikator:innen.

Whether for teaching at home or for differentiated instruction in the classroom, experiment and explanatory videos are a helpful resource for teachers, allowing them to show experiments and scientific phenomena. The new teaching material „Save our nature – Let’s explore together: Videos for primary“ by Science on Stage offers you ideas and instructions to teach your students about environmental topics.

18 easy experiments from five topic areas will take you on a journey to the world of science. Join us for the virtual publication event! You will receive first-hand information and a preview from the authors of the material. The material is targeted at teachers of grades 1–6. More details will follow soon.

Die Online-Veranstaltung fíndet in Englisch statt. Zur Anmeldung geht es hier entlang.

Veranstalter: Science on Stage

16:00 - 17:30 Uhr